Sanatan Dharma v/s Islam - Comparison or Joke ?

 These days i've been through a lot of tweets and debates claiming about the scientific significance of Islam and the context of Quran. Many people on the internet just sit and claim that Islam is the greatest religion but I disagree with it rather I refer to it as the 'Greatest cult (पंथ)'. Have you guys ever thoroughly studied the holy books of Sanatan Dharma or have you ever recognized how many hindu texts we have ? We have the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Smritis, the Puranas and a huge no. of books dedicated to other subjects of science and technology which were written by the Hindu seers.

When the rest of the world believed that the earth is flat we were the ones who worshipped the 9 planets as ' नव ग्रह ', when the other people believed that the Sun was made by their god we were the ones who performed plastic sugery. The knowledge we have in our religious texts is far more deep than what others think. In other religions they have the moon as the reference for telling the important dates and festivals but we have the knowledge to calculate the position of other planets too for the dates or tithis which have important significance. While the rest of the world was dependent upon NASA's Laboratories for the calculation of the solar and lunar eclipses our pandits calculated the date and time of eclipses using the Panchang itself. We have traces of multiple universes, multiple galaxies and more than one solar system in our texts. We have traces of meteors which show up periodically, constellations of stars, gas on the surface of the sun, distance between the sun and the earth and other planets, etc.

There are lakhs and crores of evidences in our religious texts which tell us that we were the most advanced civilization and we are far more advanced in science and technology than the rest of the world be it in the field of Space, Human Body, Quantum Physics, etc. Sanatan Dharma is the only true religion which has its true historical and scientific significance and no matter how many cults or other people of other communities attack us in any way possible they'll never be able to become as superior as us. 

So, please stop making jokes by comparing the Sanatan Dharma with other cults and their guide books because comparison is only drawn between those who are at the same level not between the superiors and the lowly or wretched.

सनातन ही सत्य है 🔱🕉️

जय श्री राम 🚩🙏


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